Joe Henry veröffentlicht sein neues Album “Invisible Hour” am 30. Mai 2014.
Joe Henry produzierte seit Ende der 90er Jahre Alben von unter anderem Billy Bragg, Lisa Hannigan, Hugh Laurie, Aaron Neville, Salomon Burke, Ani DiFranco, Aimee Mann.

Joe Henry – Invisible Hour Cover
Er arbeitete zusammen mit den Jayhawks, Emmylou Harris, Kris Kristoferson, Norah Jones, Tom Jones, Dr John, Richard Thompson, Jon Brion, Rufus Wainwright, Daniel Lanois – um nur einige zu nennen.
Joe Henry gewann drei Grammys und war für sechs nominiert.
Und er schrieb viele Stücke für seine Schwägerin Madonna, darunter den Mega-Hit “Don’t Stop”.
2013 publizierte Henry gemeinsam mit seinem Bruder David Henry das Buch “Furious Cool” über Richard Pryors Leben und Werk.
Im Rahmen des neuen Albums gibt es zwei Live-Termine:
31. Mai, Bremen – Moments Club (Radio Bremen Radiokonzert)
01. Juni, Berlin – Quasimodo
“Invisible Hour” wurde von Henry selbst produziert.
Auf dem Logplayer sind zahlreiche Gastküntler wie The Milk Carton Kids und Lisa Hannigan, die gemeinsam mit Henry und dem Bestseller-Autoren Colum McCann den Titeltrack des Albums schrieb, zu hören.
Aufgenommen wurde innerhalb von vier Tagen im Juli 2013 in Henrys eigenem Pasadena Studio, The Garfield House.
Henry übernimmt den Gesang und die Akustikgitarre. Greg Leisz spielt Gitarre und weitere Saiteninstrumente. John Smith performt an Gitarre, Mandola und Background-Gesang; Jay Bellerose am Schlagzeug; Jennifer Condos am E-Bass; und sein Sohn Levon Henry spielt diverse Holzblasinstrumente.
Zusätzlich wirken auf dem gesamten Album Kenneth Pattengale und Joey Ryan von den Milk Carton Kids als Backgroundsänger mit, während Lisa Hannigan den Gesang zu “Lead Me On” beisteuert.
Joe Henry dazu:
“To whom it may concern:
My new album that stands trembling upon your threshold, Invisible Hour, is my 13th as a solo artist. It represents plenty to me beyond sheer endurance; and though I feel myself continuing to evolve daily (as we all must), I nonetheless believe, if allowed, that this stands as a defining moment for me personally and as artist. (…)
You will read in the album’s accompanying liner notes my suggestion that these are all, perhaps, “songs about marriage;” but I should hasten to add that that is a personal observance, and recognized much after the fact. That thread —of commitment, surrender, and hair-raising mystical alignment— does indeed snake through the whole in ways both overt and peripheral, literal and metaphoric. But though marriage as a notion moves like significant weather through its rooms, it is really the redemptive power of love in the face of fear upon which this house is built. Love is the story; and the characters paw lustfully after it –formal pairings notwithstanding.
These songs and this music sound alive to me just now, I really want to say: romantic, mortal, and singularly of a piece: ranging, though all cut from a single bolt of coarse cloth.
I am very proud of the work, and am thus, for the first time, releasing it myself (in partnership with my management on our own Work Song label), in recognition of the changing landscape and in the spirit of true ownership in every sense of that word.
Simply stated, it is my intention to be as bold and creative in taking the music out into the world as I tried to be in writing and recording it. Perhaps I am just at the point in my life, as a person and as an artist, where I understand that erecting a fence between the two was somebody else’s idea.
Tracklist zu “Invisible Hour”:
1. Sparrow
2. Grave Angels
3. Sign
4. Invisible Hour
5. Swayed
6. Plainspeak
7. Lead Me On
8. Alice
9. Every Sorrow
10. Water Between Us
11. Slide